Who: A Welsh Government policy team, who are setting up a co-production advisory group to ensure input, advice and sensechecking throughout their policy-making process.
The brief: To gather potential members of the co-production advisory group and figure out the workflow process and ways of working, in a hybrid setting (some participants in the room, some on Zoom).
What I did:
- With a facilitator colleague, we ran the hybrid workshop with 1 facilitator in the room with the participants in person, and 1 facilitator in the room next door on a laptop with the online group.
- We had prepared draft process diagrams for the participants to critique and amend, and raised several questions to consider (based on previous feedback and the policy team’s questions).
- The Welsh Government policy team members were able to take part in the discussions and exchange with the participants.
- We worked through the same content in parallel, with crossover points at key moments using Mentimeter to gather feedback from everyone at once.
- It was helpful to have the online session in the room next door so that the 2 facilitators could check in easily about their groups’ progress. It worked really well!
What they said: “Your prep and hard work really shows. It was so good!” (verbal feedback from a participant)