(Originally published on Medium.)
Krulak’s Law states that the future of an organization is in the hands of the privates in the field, not the generals back home. Unfortunately, management and a lack of trust get in the way of the work environment you’ll need to build to earn the human, dedicated work [on the front line]. ~ From Seth’s blog, The $50,000 an hour gate agent
How do we build our culture and behaviours (and anything else) so that management and executives, basically everyone not delivering on the front line, trust the front line enough to get out of their way and let them do their best work?
(Key words: trust, relationships. What else?)
Better still, instead of getting out of their way, how do they — like a Scrum Master in an agile team — actively protect and enable their front line to shine? (Team leaders and managers serving the people they oversee.)
In short, what microaction could I / you / we take today to start shifting towards this scenario?
And equally importantly, what gets in the way that we (individually or collectively) need to change?

Photo by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash